Author Guidelines

Editor team of Jurnal Farmasi Teknologi Sediaan dan Kosmetika (JFTSK) welcomes article submissions which following JFTSK Guidelines and also accepts manuscripts in the form of a research report (Original article research paper) in the field of a public health study that has not been or is being processed for publication in another journal. Manuscripts sent/submit in the form of an MS Word file into our OJS

Jurnal Farmasi Teknologi Sediaan dan Kosmetika (JFTSK) is a Pharmacy scientific journal which published original articles of Pharmaceutical research. This articles Published Three a year in January, May and September. Which Focus and Scope in public health issues, including :
1. Development of Pharmaceutical Dosage Form;
2. Development of Cosmetics Dosage Form ;
3. Novel Drugs Delivery Systems;

Manuscripts were written in A4 (single column), with a margin (margin) of 2.5 cm of each edge and spacing 1.15, a maximum of 12 pages in a single article. Manuscript should contains text, in sequence of title, authors and their affiliations, abstract (Indonesia and English), keywords, introduction, method, result and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, and references in Word document download here, and supplement/supporting information if any. Title of articles are written in Indonesian and English language word and which maximum 12 words. The title should be clear, concise and interesting. Author(s) name, affiliations and e-mail.

Abstract writing a maximum of 250 words in Indonesian and English language using Book Aqutica 10 point, spacing 1. Abstract was contains: background on research problem, research objectives, research methods and summary of results made in one (1) paragraph. Keywords: At least 3 words maximum 5 words (capital letters only in the first keyword, arranged by alphabetically, separated by semicolon.

The introduction outlines the background of the problem adequately, issues related to the problem of the research, review of research that has been done before by other relevant researchers and the solutions that are described clearly and briefly. Reference lists (literature or relevant research results) by using a number of sources (Vancouver superscript) in each sentence after the dot (.). The final part should putting forward preliminary research purposes.

The methods contains the research method described descriptively which is the place and time of research, type and design of the study, population and sample, data analysis techniques.

The results and discussion are the most important part of this research article. Contains the results of the research and discussion that were scientifically described in narrative form, tables and graphs. That is expected to include an explanation of the differences in your findings with previous studies that are same topic and supported by adequate data. The results of research and findings must be able to answer the research hypothesis in the introduction.

The conclusion are written in descriptive or narrative form. The conclusion contains a brief explanation and is able to answer the research objectives. Give a clear explanation of the possible application and / or suggestions related to the research findings or the possibility of further development.

Acknowledgment, If needed thanks can be given to 1) the parties to provide financial assistance and support, 2) the support of sections and institutions, 3) the professionals who contributed in the preparation of the report.

Reference of the manuscript must be written in the Vancouver quote style. All references used in writing in the bibliography are numbered according to the appearance in the article, not alphabetically. Only include literature that used and relevant. The minimum reference source is 80% in the latest published library or the last 10 years.

The reference source is a journal from the article at least 60% of the total bibliography. Please use the Manager Reference Application such as EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc. Main Headings of Manuscripts. Following main headings should be provided in the manuscript while preparing. Main headings, sub-headings and sub-sub headings should be numbered in the manuscript with the following example:

3. 1. Main heading
3. 1. 1. Sub main heading
3. 1. 1. a. Sub-sub main heading

3. 2. Main heading
Tables and graphics are presented in the center (center). The contents of tables and graphs must be read clearly. The table is made with an open model (without vertical lines). The figures should be clearly readable and at least have a resolution of 300 PI (Dots Perlnch) for good printing quality.